($300 for 2 weeks. ($180 Per week).
$500 for June / July
$500 for August. ($125 Per Week)
Special 2- Day 1/2 day Camp.
Throughout the Summer.
1 to 4 PM.
Sign ups have started.
Chess Camp
is Open!
Early sign-up discounts available!
$180.00 week
$40.00 per day
$150.00 Pre registration
Hoboken, N.J.
Extended hours for your convenience.
8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
The children will learn
how to exercise their minds, concentrate and plan ahead, all while having fun.
9 am to 10 am Chess lesson;
10 am Casual play.
11 am recreation. Library time.
12 am Lunch break.
Tennis lessons, Soccer lessons,
Baseball Lessons, Swimming. and so on.
By Sport instrutors.
- Wednesday,
- Thursday , Chess tournament
- Friday Chess Field trip .
Chess Camp!
Sign-ups are being taking.
Sign-ups for
Winter Chess Camp
when school is closed
Chess canp is open..

Chess Summer Camp
10th Summer
Sign ups have started.
School is closed;
Chess Camp
is Open!
Early sign-up discounts available!
$180.00 week
$40.00 per day
$150.00 Pre registration
334 Park Ave, Hoboken, N.J.
Extended hours for your convenience.
8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
The children will learn how to exercise their minds, concentrate and plan ahead, all while having fun.
Daily Activities.
Lessons. Individual and team play. Tournaments.
Park time, Movie time, Sports.
Swimming, Tennis, Fencing,
** 2
steps to register.
** Email
name (parents and childs), phone numbers (all),
Drop off and pick up times, (if possible.)
** Payment in full in advance is required**
Limited space available (10).
Spaces will not be held.
Check us on the web
