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Chalkboards? Try Using Chessboards > By SUSAN SAULNY > > Published: April 12, 2005 > >
> he games drew about 15 chess enthusiasts to a windowless conference room at > City College in Harlem, where
pawns and rooks were moved with such intensity > of purpose that the scene could have passed for yet another
high-stakes > tournament. > > The grandmaster and bona fide chess luminary Maurice Ashley was there,
> calling out commentary as he often does when championship matches are > broadcast around the world. He
is known to use lines like, "Pawns are > attacking mercilessly!" and "The bishop is slicing and dicing!" >
> But what Mr. Ashley had to say about chess on this night was more academic. > Literally. "A lot of times
in education we try to teach kids the one right > answer and that leads, in my opinion, to robotic thinking,"
he told the > players, encouraging them to think of multiple possible moves before > choosing the best play.
"Real life isn't like that. Is there ever one right > answer? Generating alternatives for the sake of alternatives
is a good > thing." > > The players, mostly New York City public school teachers, nodded. This >
routine, the playing of chess followed by deep thoughts on education, > happens every Wednesday night during a new
class Mr. Ashley is teaching > called "Introduction to Logical Thinking Through Chess" for the mathematics >
department at City College. Mr. Ashley and the dean of the college's school > of education, Alfred S. Posamentier,
organized the class with a lofty goal: > improve teaching by guiding a group of teachers through the problem-solving
> strategies that are part of a good chess player's arsenal. > > The seminar, an elective class worth
two graduate credits, meets once a week > for two and a half hours. Mr. Ashley tries to get the teachers to do
what he > does in chess and in life: think backward with a desired outcome in view, > generate multiple options
as possible solutions to any question, consider > the perspectives of others, and give respect to the least powerful,
the > pawns of the game. > > "Over the years, we have tried many different approaches to developing
the > most effective teachers," Dr. Posamentier said. "We have regulated the size > of the class, the material
the teacher uses, the kind of content background > that is most desirable, and the philosophy that should work
best. However, > it seems we have not concentrated enough on the general thinking strategies > that a teacher
should master to maximize his effectiveness." > > Now the educators are thinking about their thinking. >
> Before class on Wednesday night, Mr. Ashley explained a personal distaste > for memorization and facts,
and laid out his education philosophy, the one > he hopes the teachers will take from the class: "Knowledge flips
every day. > What we know becomes wrong tomorrow. We need kids who know how to think." > > The class
seems a natural fit for Mr. Ashley. Unlike many of the country's > top players who spend a lot of time preparing
for tournaments, Mr. Ashley, a > native of Jamaica who grew up in Brownsville, Brooklyn, and lives in Queens,
> has been teaching children chess for years. He had never taught teachers > before, but was willing to try. >
> "My method has always been not just to teach chess moves, but to better > accelerate thinking and concentration
skills," Mr. Ashley said. "These ideas > have been a part of my technique for so long, I said, 'Of course!' " >
> The United States Chess Federation named Mr. Ashley Grandmaster of the Year > in 2003, but other proud
moments in his career involve lesser known titles. > Mr. Ashley was coaching the Raging Rooks of Junior High
School 43 in Harlem > when they won the National Junior High School Championship in 1991. He also > coached
the Harlem-based Dark Knights, two-time national champions in the > junior varsity division. > > "What's
he doing on campus? That was my first thought when I heard about the > class," said Josh Weiner, a senior at City